INSEE Ecocycle took part as a panel speaker and exhibitor in the APEC Customs Business Dialogue (ACBD) 2022


On 23 August 2022, INSEE Ecocycle joined with other Green Economy leaders in the APEC Customs Business Dialogue (ACBD) 2022 hosted by Thai Customs Department. 

The ACBD 2022 consists of exhibition activities and a panel discussion on “Customs and Green Economy: Enhancing Economic Development, and Environmental Sustainability” join with panelists from private sectors, namely, Great Wall Motor Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd., JWD InfoLogistics Pub Co.Ltd., SCG Logistics Management Co., Ltd.; and INSEE Ecocycle Co., Ltd.

The discussion is about how to promote and adopt the concept of the Green Economy into the business. Suchintana Viraratt, Chief Executive Officer, INSEE Ecocycle Company Limited shared that one of our most important contributions to the green economy is the recovery of energy and resources from waste materials or Co-processing. The process allows us to use waste as an alternative fuel in cement kilns in place of fossil energy and virgin raw materials. There are no residues or remains from the process or Zero Waste to Landfill solution.