Occupational Health and Safety

At SCCC Group, our overriding safety objective has been and will always be Zero Harm to Anyone. We view this as a foundational element of our Sustainability Ambition 2030. It is our priority that every employee and contractor in our business is treated as a valuable and equal partner whose health and wellbeing is prioritized, protected and cared for. Through pro-active safety leadership, we strive to prevent all injuries and illnesses by providing a safe and healthy workplace, safe systems of work, all necessary safety equipment, training in safe operating procedures and enforcement of best practice safety regulations.
Zero Harm by 2030
Key Initiatives
Promote Safety Starts with Me and Don’t Walk Past Campaign
Promote OH&S Competency
Implement 30 directives of the New Safety Management System (OHSMS)
INSEE Contractor Safety Management (focus on contractor involvement and activities)
SCCC Group OH&S Policy