Cement-based polymer modified adhesive is specially formulated to suit most tiles, including ceramic, porcelain, mosaic, and vitrified tiles, for vertical installation (wall) and horizontal installation (floor).
It is suitable for use over many different surfaces, timber (indoor), fibre cement sheets, and concret.
Surface Considerations/New Concrete
Thoroughly dry for at least 5 – 6 weeks.
Prior to tiling, remove any concrete sealers or curing compounds from the surface, e.g., resin, wax sealers. Steel trowel finished concrete should be roughened mechanically to remove laitance and to provide a good key for tiling.
New Sand/Cement Screeds
Thoroughly dry for at least 2 - 3 weeks.
Leave the render with a wood float finish to establish a mechanical key.
It should be no less than 12mm in thickness.
Screeds should be pitched to drains where required.
Existing Ceramic Tiles, Concrete/Screed Bases
Existing tiles must be firm and stable.
Roughen the surface by mechanical means and ensure that glaze is sufficiently removed, clean off contamination and dust before installing.
Concrete/Screed bases should be sound and dry. Any unsound areas should be removed, replaced and treated as a new screed or concrete.
Low Strength Brick Work
May require a sand and cement render, recommended cement: sand ratio of minimum 1:4 at thickness <12 mm, reinforced with expanded metal to distribute loading.