INSEE Ecocycle Lanka (Private) Limited

Head Office

INSEE Ecocycle Lanka (Private) Limited

Level 25, Access Tower II 278/4 Union Place Colombo 02

Telephone :
Fax. :

INSEE Ecocycle

INSEE Ecocycle Lanka Pre-processing Facility

No-25A, Phase 01, KEPZ, Katunayaka, Sri Lanka

INSEE Ecocycle Resource Recovery Center

No: 201/B/1, Devamiththa Place, Heiyanthuduwa

INSEE Ecocycle Operation Platform, Puttalam Cement Works

INSEE Ecocycle Operation Platform Puttalam Cement Works PO Box 01, Puttalam

INSEE Ecocycle Lanka Analytical Laboratory, Puttalam Cement Works

INSEE Ecocycle Lanka Analytical Laboratory Puttalam Cement Works PO Box 01, Puttalam

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