INSEE Ecocycle Lanka (Private) Limited

Project References

Turning Waste into Wealth: The INSEE Ecocycle Resource Recovery Centre



Underscored by our commitment to sustainable environmental practices and the circular economy, INSEE Ecocycle is recovering valuable resources from waste streams in Sri Lanka through its Resource Recovery Centre.  Inaugurated in 2019, the Resource Recovery Centre provides end-to-end solutions for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) waste and post-consumer waste from collection to recycling.

The fully-fledged Resource Recover Centre, equipped with high-quality technology, marks an important milestone for INSEE Ecocycle as it provides solutions for transitioning the country towards a greener circular economy, where waste is transformed, and resources are recovered in an efficient and sustainable way.   Located in Sapugaskanda, the Resource Recovery Centre helps businesses comply with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy framework and move up the waste management hierarchy to embrace sustainable practices that prioritize prevention, reduction, and resource recovery beyond disposal.

This project contributes to a cleaner environment, resource conservation, and economic growth, setting a precedent for responsible waste management in the country.


There is a global recognition that the Circular Economy stands as a powerful conduit towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  By embracing circular practices, Sri Lanka can effectively address multiple SDGs simultaneously - from promoting responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) to fostering innovation and industry growth (SDG 9). Moreover, circular initiatives can directly impact goals such as climate action ( SDG13) and clean water & sanitation (SDG 6) by reducing pollution and conserving resources.

The symbiotic relationships within the Circular Economy are built upon the fundamental principles of resource optimization, waste reduction, and sustainable production and consumption. Sri Lanka stands at a critical juncture where the transition from linear waste management methods (take-make-dispose) to a circular approach (cradle to cradle) is not just an option but an imperative. This requires collaboration across all sectors, including Government authorities, industries, civil societies, and communities.  INSEE Ecocycle, together with the Sri Lankan Government, is leading the country's transformation towards a circular economy.

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies in Sri Lanka play a pivotal role in driving the adoption of circular economy principles within Sri Lanka’s economic landscape. As major contributors to the consumption and waste generation cycle, FMCGs possess the potential to effect substantial positive change. By embracing circular economy practices, such as designing products for durability, encouraging packaging reduction and recyclability, and promoting take-back and recycling programs, FMCGs can significantly reduce their environmental footprint.

Project Objectives:

  1. Resource Maximization: To minimize waste disposal and landfill usage, the primary objective is to extract and recover valuable resources from various waste streams, including industrial and post-consumer waste.
  2. Circular Economy Promotion: The project aligns with the circular economy framework by promoting the reuse, recycling, and repurposing of materials, reducing the need for virgin resources.
  3. Environmental Stewardship: By reducing the amount of waste reaching landfills and incineration, the Resource Recovery Centre contributes to significantly lowering the environmental impact of waste disposal, thus mitigating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Innovation and Technology: Cutting-edge technologies are employed to efficiently process and recover resources from diverse waste types, contributing to sustainable technological advancements.

The Services We Offer:

The INSEE Ecocycle Resource Recovery Center located in Sapugaskanda accepts FMCG and post-consumer waste from municipal solid waste channels, industries, and communities. This facility offers total waste management services from collection, segregation, pre-processing, labeling, and storing for final reuse, recycling, or upcycling solutions.

  • Logistic Services to collect waste materials from island-wide distributor locations, factories, and supermarket stores.
  • Warehouse Services to store and handle waste materials.
  • Waste Segregation and Pre-processing Services, including removing the packaging, crushing, client brand name destruction on the packing, etc.
  • Customer Services, including maintaining documentation, conducting periodical audits, and ensuring brand security.
  • Channeling segregated and pre-processed waste to certified partners for recycling, and upcycling.
  • Prepare each organization's waste according to unique specifications for reuse, Ensuring Safety and Compliance across the entire operational and value chain.
  • Stakeholder collaboration with local communities, governmental bodies, NGOs, and industry partners to drive awareness, support, and participation in the resource recovery initiative.

Benefits to our customers:

  • Cost Savings: Customers can extract value from waste streams, reducing waste disposal costs and potentially generating additional revenue from recovered resources.
  • Customized Solutions: The Resource Recovery Centre tailors its services to meet each customer's specific waste composition and resource recovery goals, ensuring a personalized and effective partnership.
  • Sustainable Practices: By partnering with the Resource Recovery Centre, customers demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible waste management, aligning with global sustainability goals.
  • Improved Reputation: Collaborating with a state-of-the-art resource recovery facility enhances customers' corporate social responsibility (CSR) image, reinforcing their position as environmentally conscious businesses.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The Resource Recovery Centre ensures customers' adherence to waste management regulations and environmental standards, mitigating potential legal and compliance risks.
  • Innovation Opportunities: Customers gain access to innovative technologies and processes that can be integrated into their own operations, fostering continuous improvement, and driving innovation.
  • Community Engagement: Partnering with the Resource Recovery Centre allows customers to actively contribute to community development by supporting local waste management initiatives and creating employment opportunities.