INSEE Ecocycle Lanka (Private) Limited

Resource Recovery

Resource Recovery

Resource Recovery

The newly inaugurated INSEE Ecocycle’s Resource Recovery Centre ensures end-to-end solutions, facilitating the systematic collection of FMCG and post-consumer waste.

Revolutionizing the waste management industry in Sri Lanka, the newly inaugurated INSEE Ecocycle’s Resource Recovery Centre will ensure end-to-end solutions, facilitating the systematic collection of FMCG and post-consumer waste.

This process will be facilitated through comprehensive steps including reverse logistics to the collection of waste from general trade and modern trade, segregation, purification, reuse and recycle/upcycle.

The cooperation of different recycling partners will secure an upcycling resolution for all discarded goods. Ecocycle focuses on transforming the FMCG industry and building a future for Integrated Waste Management Solutions (IWMS), with partnerships with Unilever and other multinational companies to promote corporate sustainability agendas contributing to SDG 12 – sustainable production and consumption.

Our Solution

INSEE Ecocycle offers a total waste management operation from waste collection to segregation to labeling and storing to final reuse, recycling or upcycling solutions.

  • Customer Services
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Collection and recycling of waste
  • Reverse logistics from business partners
  • Take back process and audits
  • Execution of waste management yard at the customer location

Customer Benefits


Helps customers to switch from a resource consumption rationale to a use-and-recover approach in a circular economy


Better efficiency


Brand security and tracking


Offer better reuse and recycling options for waste streams


Support to achieve a zero land-fill policy


Ensuring EPR principles through the recovery of plastics and packaging

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Find out how we can help your organization achieve corporate sustainability.
