INSEE Ecocycle Lanka (Private) Limited

Commitment to Sustainable Development

Commitment to Sustainable Development

Commitment to Sustainable Development

The secret of INSEE Ecocycle’s success has been our passionate commitment to responsibly manage the use of natural resources through its reusage and renewal while minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment. We are indeed proud of our achievements in improving industrial environmental footprints across a wide range of industries in Sri Lanka.

Our sustainability and overall corporate objectives are based on a three-pronged accountability strategy of Economic Responsibility, Environmental Responsibility and Social Responsibility, aligning with the United Nations sustainable development goal of ‘sustainable consumption and production’. In other words, development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Ecocycle's contribution to Sustainable development Goals

Good Health and Well-being
Handled more than 1,000,000 MT of diverse waste streams and around 60,000 monthly loaded Kilometers, ensuring zero damage to people and community.

Affordable and Clean Energy
Replacing possible fuel – Coal energy in Cement production through a fuel mix from waste materials as a sustainable energy source, replacing 40% of fossil fuel energy in Cement production.

Industrial Innovation and Infrastructure
Innovation of sustainable waste management solutions and offering to industries to manage industrial waste.


Sustainable Cities and Communities
Livelihood development through Biomass sourcing from rural areas and the conducting of CSR activities targeting community empowerment.

Responsible production and consumption
Support Responsible production by helping execute Extended Producer Responsibility through sustainable waste management initiatives

Climate change mitigation
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by reducing coal burning in the cement manufacturing process and co-processing of waste material discouraging open burning of non-recyclable waste materials.


National Contribution


Cocaine Disposal

Demonstrating its commitment to support the national cause and contributing to building a drug-free nation, INSEE Ecocycle joined hands with Sri Lanka Police (SLP), Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB), National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB), Government Analytical Department (GAD) and President Task Force for Drug Prevention to responsibly dispose of Waste Cocaine Hydrochloride through Cement Kiln co-processing for the second-time in Sri Lanka.


Sustainable Solution to Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

Since 2011, Ecocycle has implemented many methods to support the national MSW issue via public-private partnerships providing a solution to segregated non-recyclable polythene and plastics waste material.


Involvement in National Waste Management Initiatives

Ecocycle joins hands with the government in national level waste management initiatives as the nation’s sustainable waste solution provider.

Given below are some of these initiatives.

National E- waste collection week
Beach clean-ups
National waste pen and toothbrushes collection program


Community Empowerment

Continuing in its effort to provide medical and eye care facilities to under-privileged elders, INSEE Ecocycle Lanka conducted a medical and eye-care camp in collaboration with HelpAge at Katunayake BOI Zone management processing plant premises for the benefit of over 125 needy people including the waste pickers at the Material Receiving Centre (MRC) and the factory workers.


Helping Rural Communities through Biomass Sourcing

Ecocycle works to optimize supply chains and provide solutions through partnerships that explore circular economy solutions. For example, rice husk was considered a waste until Ecocycle developed a solution for it, resulting in the rural communities of Anuradhapura, Kekirawa, and Puttalam being benefited by the rising demand for rice husks for Ecocycle’s operations.


 Vision Clinic for Elders 

In collaboration with HelpAge Sri Lanka, the Ecocycle team also hosted a vision clinic, providing free eye screenings and glasses to around 150 elderly members of the Heiyanthuduwa village community, focusing on needy individuals aged 55 and above. 

Get in touch with us.

Find out how we can help your organization achieve corporate sustainability.
