Occupational Health and Safety


At SCCC Group, our overriding safety objective has been and will always be Zero Harm to Anyone. We view this as a foundational element of our Sustainability Ambition 2030. It is our priority that every employee and contractor in our business is treated as a valuable and equal partner whose health and wellbeing is prioritized, protected and cared for. Through pro-active safety leadership, we strive to prevent all injuries and illnesses by providing a safe and healthy workplace, safe systems of work, all necessary safety equipment, training in safe operating procedures and enforcement of best practice safety regulations.


  • Zero Harm by 2030

Key Initiatives

  • Promote Safety Starts with Me and Don’t Walk Past Campaign

  • Promote OH&S Competency

  • Implement 30 directives of the New Safety Management System (OHSMS)

  • INSEE Contractor Safety Management (focus on contractor involvement and activities)

SCCC Group OH&S Policy


Community and Stakeholder Engagement


SCCC Group has been continuously involving its stakeholders in reaching the Sustainability Ambition 2030 as well as employees, suppliers and customers, having a community and stakeholder engagement plan for all sites and assessing the impact of the Sustainability Ambition and its community and stakeholder engagement activities. The focus of community engagement activities at SCCC Group are quality education be it as enterprise vocation education programs or masons training which is an urgent need in the region as well as capacity building in the areas of climate and energy, circular economy, biodiversity and water or occupational health and safety.

SCCC is well aware that the key to success in doing sustainable business is the create value for all stakeholders. Therefore, the Company has set “value creation for stakeholders” as our business goals as we believe that understanding and good relationship with all stakeholders would create major benefits as follow:

  • Serve as a solid foundation for a strong business operation

  • Allow the business to set effective policies and appropriate work plans

  • Use the suggestions and recommendations of stakeholders to support new innovations and solve certain problems

  • Promote good image for the business and supports our license to operate


  • to proactively engage with its communities and stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

Siam City Cement Group (SCCC) respects the rights and interests of stakeholders by operating according to the process of engaging stakeholders in accordance with the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES). The key principles include materiality assessment, inclusivity of stakeholders, and responsiveness to stakeholders' expectations.

This is to acknowledge the feedbacks, opinions, and recommendations of stakeholders towards the organization's business operations under both normal and crisis conditions. This is achieved through interviews, suggestion channels, and complaint mechanisms provided by the organization, covering sustainability issues across three dimensions: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).  

  • Classification of SCCC’s stakeholders

SCCC's stakeholders consist of individuals or entities affected, either positively or negatively, by SCCC's business activities, as well as those with the ability to influence SCCC's operations. These stakeholders, spanning across the past, present, and future, can be classified into seven main categories: Employees, Customers, Communities, Goods and Service Suppliers, Shareholders, Government Agencies and Independent Organizations, and Media.

















  • Criteria to Choose Stakeholders for Engagements
  • Inclusivity of Stakeholders, and Responsiveness to Their Expectations

SCCC offers opportunities for every stakeholder group to voice their opinions and engage in corporate initiatives through diverse communication channels. Additionally, SCCC values and incorporates feedback and significant issues from all seven stakeholder groups listed below to enhance our engagement strategies in alignment with their expectations:

The following table gives an overview of the engagement strategy with our stakeholders:

Stakeholders Objective Engagement Strategy


Create safe work environments and promote employee’s health & wellbeing. Ensure equal opportunities and offer learning and career development within the workplace.

  • Develop leadership capabilities in supervisors to be more attentive to subordinates

  • Promote engagement and two-way communications within the organization

  • Develop a safety culture in the workplace and build awareness about the environmental impact of our business

  • Conduct employee engagement survey to regularly listen to employees’ opinions


Build and enhance long-term relationships with customers

  • Arrange regular meetings and customer visits physically and virtually

  • Develop communication channels, online sales and support system to increase speed, convenience and effectiveness to the customer’s needs

  • Provide customer training and knowledge sharing

  • Constantly conduct surveys to listen to customer’s opinions for continuous improvement


Implement CSR-in-process to prevent or minimize operational impact on the communities, including creating projects to continuously support the communities’ sustainable development the so-called CSR-after-process.

  • Regularly conduct surveys of communities’ opinions

  • Develop communication channels, both official and unofficial

  • Arrange factory visits for community leaders and the public

  • Promote the community’s engagement and joint management in some important projects

  • Create a fund for community development and environment, as well as community advisory panels

Goods & Service Suppliers

Promote good collaboration and mutual support to create business opportunities and mutual growth.

  • Announce and implement the Suppliers Code of Conduct

  • Announce and implement the Sustainable Procurement Policy and Guidelines

  • Arrange meetings with suppliers to promote good communications and training programs on various topics


Carry out business operations with good corporate governance while building sustainable progress for the organization.

  • Organize the Annual Shareholders Meeting

  • Regularly communicate and arrange field visits, and participations in CSR and environmental projects

Government Agencies & Independent Organizations

Strictly adhere to the laws and ensure good cooperation with the government sector. Seek opportunities for joint activities and projects which are beneficial to the society and the nations

  • Study legal implications and control all aspects of the business to ensure legal compliance

  • Participate in meetings, seminars and forums with government agencies, as well as support official exhibitions and seminars

  • Support and participate in projects for society and the nation as organized by the government sectors.


Promote good understanding of the company’s operations, including policies and major projects so that the media is able to communicate them accurately to our stakeholders and the general public.

  • Regularly provide the media with information, operational facts and figures, and progress of major projects

  • Regularly arrange opportunities for the media to meet senior management, visit factory and participate in sustainable development activities


•   Channel for Reports of Wrongdoing and Complaints

INSEE Speak up, a whistleblowing channel, is established to provide a mechanism to voice or report concerns of wrongdoing related to the business, operations, transactions, or activities of Siam City Cement Group. This channel can be accessed by all, both internal and external stakeholders of the Company.







Effective communications and the promotion of participation by stakeholders is an important foundation of business operation, for mutual support in creating added value to all stakeholders, society and the nation.

Key Initiatives


Green School Project

Since 2010, the Company has cooperated with the Border Patrol Police Bureau to continuously build or renovate school houses at Border Patrol Police schools for the benefit of children and youths in remote areas so that children and youths in otherwise under-developed border areas of the country will have equal chances at education through the concept of supporting education towards sustainable development and to use the Green School principles in designing school buildings with environmentally-friendly materials and promoting the participation of those from all sectors of society, such as government agencies and private companies, as well as encouraging the Company’s employees to participate in “INSEE Arsa” camp to help build and renovate schools every year.
As of now, this project is in its 11th year with more than 32 Border Patrol Police schools built and renovated.


Suan Ming Mongkol Celebrating HM
the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 84th Birthday

The Company has designed and constructed the INSEE Green Park named Suan Ming Mongkol on a piece of Company’s land on Friendship Highway, Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province, to celebrate HM the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 84th Birthday anniversary. This is a public park for the people in nearby communities to enjoy and also to organize various activities. It has also been designed as a rest stop for motorists traveling on this stretch of highway. The Company encourages members of the communities to bring their OTOP (One Tambon One Product) merchandise to sell to visitors to earn extra income.

This park has been planned as an environmentally friendly pilot project where it serves as a large green classroom and to promote environmental awareness to the general population and youths.
Suan Ming Mongkol was recognized as a pilot public park project honored with the Thailand Energy Award by the Ministry of Energy, as well as the ASEAN Energy Award in Best Energy Conservation in Creative Construction of a Tropical Building category.


INSEE Artificial Reefs for Marine Habitat

This is a collaborative project together with the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to recycle concrete scraps returned from customers to fashion into artificial reefs along the Circular Economy concept. The main aim of the project is to return marine resources along the coast to its former abundance, to promote better quality of life for coastal fishermen as well as to reduce environmental problems arising from the concrete scraps being sent to landfills.
In 2019, the Company produced 117 pieces of artificial reefs from concrete scraps and delivered them to the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources to be sunk around Munnok Island, Rayong Province. In 2020, the Company produced another 105 pieces of artificial reefs from concrete scraps to be place around Larn Island in Chonburi Province to form habitat for myriad marine lives.


Masonry and concrete skill contest for vocational students project

The Company fully supports the Vocational Education Commission, Ministry of Education, in the organization of the vocational school skill contest in masonry and concrete work for construction work students at both regional and national levels continuously for more than 20 years. The aim is to support the development of skills and providing real-world work experience for students of vocational schools and colleges throughout the country so that they will have standardized skills. The Company supports this project with cement products, prizes in cash and in kind. Also, the Company arranges workshops and seminars so that the students will become familiarized with the characteristics of the latest cement products and the Company’s concrete products.


INSEE Green Heart Club activities

To promote the participation of employees with generous hearts in the Company’s various CSR projects for the society and communities in many parts of the country at least once every quarter. In addition to the employees feeling proud to get the opportunity to work to help the society, the activities also help promote teamwork and camaraderie among the employees and between employees and the organization.


Other note-worthy CSR projects

  • Activities to provide assistance and relief support in times of natural disasters through donations of cash and cement as well as other construction materials for rehabilitation following floods, storms, or earthquakes.

  • The donations of cement products to support the development and renovation of basic infrastructure for the society or communities, such as repairs and maintenance of schools, temples, check dam construction and other public structures.

  • INSEE Public Service activities during holiday travel seasons, such as during Songkran and New Year holidays, by providing snacks, coffee drinking water and cold wipes for travelers on the road. The service area is located in front of the INSEE Cement Plant, Friendship Highway, Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province.


Siam City Cement Public Company Limited (INSEE)
puts great importance on creating close relationship with the communities around the Company’s production units by carrying out CSR projects to support the development of the communities for their sustainable growth well-proportioned with the economy, society, and the environment.

The Company has the policy requiring all production units of the Siam City Cement Group to draw up annual plans to create relationship and promote community development by concentrating on the promotion of community participation in the management of various community development projects to encourage sustainable long-term self-support.


Principles and important guidelines in the operation of INSEE’s community development are made up of four factors:

1.The principle of community participation at every step in the procedure – from planning, operation, evaluation to deriving the benefits.
2.Supporting the community to leverage sustainable development by managing community activities systematically, starting with the analysis of the stakeholders, organize hearings and surveys of the communities’ actual needs, preparing clear action plans and assess the benefits derived by the communities.
3.For community development projects, we have the policy to concentrate on three main areas for developments, namely:1.Learning and education for society’s future2.Sustainable community development3.Infrastructure development for livable community
4.The principle of participation and listening to the opinion of community members to allow the everyone involved to share their opinions through a variety of channels and apply those opinions for the continuous development.

For community development projects, we have the policy to concentrate on three main areas for developments:

Learning and education for society’ s future:

The Company’s major projects include:

a ) Educational scholarships for students at elementary, high school all the way to bachelor’s degree levels
b ) INSEE Youth Camp t
c ) Open House for Community Members project
d ) Children’s Day Activities project
e ) Educational projects, such as Elder Brothers/Sisters teaching Younger Kids, School Landscape Improvement projects
f ) Annual Kathin Ceremonies


Sustainable community development:

The Company is determined to focus on the implementation of “Green Village” project under the “Green Heart” concept. This project has been continuously implemented and expanded until the present.“Green Village” project was established in 2011 and is still going on today at Moo 1, Tabkwang Sub-District, Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province. The project involves the following activities:

a ) Management and development of knowledge
b ) Increasing green area
c )Management of potable water system
d ) Management of community waste
e ) Vegetable garden for community
f ) Management of energy


At present, the “Green Village” project at Moo 1, Tabkwang, has come through the learning process and has crystalized on the aspect of sustainable environmental development and is ready to act as mentors for other communities in the management model of sub-district network and higher. Also included is the provision for the youths to participate in the management of the village’s activities.


Infrastructure development for livable community :

Basic infrastructure development for livable community projects include intra-community roads, potable and clean water, etc. The main projects include:

1) Check dam construction project
2) Construction and maintenance of bus stop pavilions
3) Intra-community road repair projects
4) INSEE Arsa projects to renovate the landscape in temples and schools

These last projects encourage the joint participation in the activities between community members and production unit employees under the name “INSEE Arsa Project”.


“ Living Together Sustainably ”