INSEE Ecocycle Company Limited

Our Commitment to Safety

Our Commitment to Safety

Committed to Zero Harm

At INSEE Ecocycle, we firmly believe occupational accidents can be totally eliminated. This commitment is steadfast and unwavering, even in the challenging environments we sometimes face. The safety, health and wellbeing of our team and those we work with is of paramount importance.

At INSEE , Safety is something we do, rather than something we simply say. This is an ongoing process, with a clear aim of Zero Harm. Based on that vision, your safety is the most important goal that we are striving for.


An incident and injury free workplace is possible through hard work, execution and belief. When it comes to health and safety, we never compromise or take shortcuts. This is a mindset every single team member at INSEE Ecocycle brings to the workplace.

The foundation for our Zero Harm approach starts with a comprehensive set of rules, regulations and instructions. These are reinforced with thorough information and training sessions that ensure we are all familiar with how to build and maintain our Zero Harm workplace.

Safety and the creation of a secure work environment can’t be limited to theory. Our teaching and techniques are backed by leadership at all levels of INSEE Ecocycle. When it comes to Zero Harm, we encourage everyone to take ownership. A key aspect of this is having active management who leads by example.

We also recognize those who perform admirably when it comes to the building of our Zero Harm workplace while also seeking to identify and correct actions or processes that can lead to an unsafe environment. This is a never ending process that all team members actively participate in. Our hard work and dedication to a Zero Harm workplace was honored by the Thailand Department of Labour Protection and Welfare who presented us with the Gold Award for Best Practices on Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment. INSEE Ecocycle was recognized for the safe working environment that had been created as well as the proper safety training and communication provided to the entire team.

We strongly believe that everyone deserves to work in a Zero Harm environment where we all are working diligently to guarantee there are no occupational accidents

Dare to Care for SAFETY
At INSEE Ecocycle, we dare to response to hazards, keep our safety energy high. For ourselves, our colleagues, our co-workers and all our service providers

“The overall goal of OH&S at INSEE Group is “Zero Harm to People” We believe that injuries, occupational illnesses and diseases are preventable. We commit to conduct all of our activities under effective OH&S management system. We engage all our employees and contractors in assessing the risks, in developing and implementing of safety procedures to manage the risk effectively”


How to get started?

We have a team of skilled experts ready to answer your questions and help you get exactly what you need.
