Co-processing means the substitution of primary fuel and raw material by waste materials in industrial processes. Incineration is primarily a disposal technology to reduce waste volumes, to reduce the potential negative impact of the waste material and to a certain extent recover energy.
The polluter-pays-principle must be the basis for the economical and financial analysis of co-processing. This means that those who are producing waste (e.g. industry) or are responsible for its handling (e.g. municipality) have to take care for its best environmental sound management. Co-processing means additional investments and costs for the cement industries.
Co-processing can reduce the green house relevant CO2 emissions, if the waste material being used would instead have been burned without energy recovery or being disposed in an uncontrolled manner.
There is a wide range of waste material suitable for co-processing, ranging from animal fat to sludge’s from water treatment plants. However, the most common solid wastes are papers, cartons, plastics, textiles, packaging material, tires, and wood. There are liquid waste byproducts such as used oil, solvents, or paint sludge’s as end-of-line products from the transport sector or derivates from industrial activities. Obsolete pesticides and other organic waste material can also be co-processed in cement plants.
Co-processing is only one element in a country’s waste management scheme. In the general waste hierarchy, energy or material recovery are preferred options compared to landfilling. However, not all waste material is suitable for co-processing. For those waste material conventional disposal options such as landfilling might be an alternative.
The behavior of heavy metals in the cement kiln system is well understood. ?Most of the metals will be incorporated in the mineral structure of the clinker. Scientific studies have demonstrated that release of metals from hardened concrete structures is well below applicable limit values such as drinking water standards. The input of more “leachable” metals such as chromium must
Various life cycle analyses demonstrate that co-processing has less negative environmental impacts than landfill. Co-processing doesn’t release any toxic substances to water and soil. The substitution with AFR avoids the negative environmental impact of mining fossil fuels and conserves natural resources. No additional emissions compared to traditional cement production will be created.
If interested to explore our services, please contact us at call center 1732 press 6 during working hours or off hours, place the inquiry through our website at Our sales representative will contact you within 5 working days.
Basically, the whole process, starting from customer visit, waste sampling & analysis, e-license acquisition, transportation scheduling, takes about 3-4 weeks. However, in case of urgent, we can help our customer shorten the process into a week.
INSEE Ecocycle together with Siam City Cement have 5 operating waste processing facilities. 3 co-processing cement kilns located in Saraburi and 2 intermediate waste treatment facilities located in Chonburi and Saraburi.