INSEE Ecocycle Company Limited

INSEE Ecocycle Destroys “IPR Infringing Goods” with Sustainable Process for 4 Consecutive Years


On 31 August 2023, INSEE Ecocycle joined the Destruction Ceremony of the Intellectual Property Rights Infringing Goods as the Company provided services including the transport of the seized counterfeit goods to the disposal sites and sustainable annihilation method in an environmentally sound manner. There were 1.2 million seized counterfeit goods, equal to the value of 600 million Baht. INSEE Ecocycle has received trust from Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce for 4 consecutive years to undergo this mission.

Under the IPR Infringing Goods destruction, INSEE Ecocycle’s trucks, fully equipped with GPS tracking system and safety seal lock, bring the seized goods to the facilities. Then, the counterfeit items are segregated and shred, before being co-processed with primary fuels in cement kilns at temperature above 1,800 degree Celsius in a closed system. It is an efficient and sustainable method for the recovery of energy by disposing waste and constituting least impacts on community health and the environment. This corresponds with the Circular Economy in the BCG model and also promises zero waste to landfill.